The management of Health, Safety and Environmental impact are viewed as pivotal elements of our corporate culture and a pre-requisite for achieving our business objectives. The objectives are hinged on protecting the health, safety of our employees, associates and clients, while supporting the communities within area of our operation and minimizing the impact of our activities on the environment.

At Nace Engineering and Inspections Limited, the governing principles of our HSE policy involves among other things:
• Setting HSE objectives and standard necessary for our effective operations, clients' requirements and working environment.
• Measuring and evaluating the HSE performance against our set objectives and benchmark
• Training and educating employees on importance and issues relating to occupational health, safety and environment
• Work with the host communities to promote harmonious relationships

It is the policy of Nace Engineering and Inspections Limited to provide a safe system of work, conduct its activities in such a way as to take foremost account of the health and safety of its employees and of other persons, to give proper regard to the conservation of the environment, to safeguard the security of personnel, company and clients assets while maintaining a peaceful relationship with our immediate and remote communities in such a way as to avoid harm to the health of employees and others. The elimination of personal injury is our ultimate goal. We strongly believe that all accidents are preventable and that a 'Zero Accident" target is achievable. Quality, Health, safety and environmental considerations at work must be both an individual and a shared responsibility. Nace Engineering and Inspections Limited recognizes that the requirements of sound safety standards are inseparable from the goals of efficient operations required to achieve high quality performance. Consequently, the safety policy is considered an integral part of daily activities and observed with a high degree of diligence and dedication.